Sunday, October 14, 2007

Slide Notes from Oct. 15


main idea (Freud): people act differently in crowds than they would individually

contagion theory vs. convergence theory


Messages (often emotive) aimed at influencing behaviour/opinions of large number

Propagand (latin) – “that which ought to be spread”

Negative connotation after WWI

Propaganda - Characteristics

From obvious imagery to subtle debate

Often emotive rather than rational

Bias/Skewed (though not nec. untrue)

Indoctrination – no critical reflection

Repetition and Drowning out Alternatives

Like PR, idea of promoting certain ideas to masses, but often though of as involving some level of deception, underhandedness

Sleeper Effect

Carl Hovland

“hidden” effects of message, even if from discredible source

Forget the source, but not the message

Shown to be unreliable as theory


Circular reinforcement of group ideals

Rationalized conformity

High stress/Direct leadership often causes

Challenger example

Exposure Effect

Desire/Preference because of repeated/prolonged exposure

Choose what you recognize over what you do not (even tenuously)

Spiral of Silence

Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann

Less likely to voice opinion one thinks is minority view

Causes reinforcement of prevalent opinion

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