Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Semiotics and Structuralism

De Saussure

-language as formal system of elements: linguistic sign, signifier, signified, referent

-language as a complete system of signs

SIGN = signifier (the actual word, phonic component)/signified (the object component, the object related to the word, what appears in our mind when it appears –mental concept) Referent is actual object in world

NOTE – signifier has ABRITRARY relationship to signified.


-semiology: the study of the above notion of signs, and how language shapes the way we perceive things – extended definitions of de s (ie: sign not just limited to language, could be ad or cultural phenomenon or object)

-used to apply to music, eating, clothes, dance, and even wrestling.

-very interested in second order signs – or basically the cultural “myths” that get attached to words; thinks that our culture/society/customs are made up of “mythologies”, or systems of signs

-ie: rose. First order: picture of a rose (sign) – signifier (word rose), signified (an object, a rose, that we’ve experienced)

-second order: word rose (sign) – signifier (the mental/physical object of a rose), signified (romantic love)

-relates to the difference between denontation and connotation

-really relates to the ideals in advertising – to use connotation and cultural signifiers to get you to buy their product –ie: using beautiful girls to sell makeup

“semiotics for beginners” link is very valuable (ie: when reviewing for exam)

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